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it can get hard finding what works.

Trust me - I've been there. Hours searching for a product that makes a difference without doing any harm along the way - but I might be able to help. 

That's why I created my 'product recommendations' page; it's all you need to find the product that works for you,

and it's categorized by product type.

I have always been a lover of graphic design and art, which compelled me to create

this website. Visit my creative portfolio below for my other projects

hi, i'm alma

I created this website to showcase my research on commonly used skincare ingredients and outline what's truly clean, vs. what's actually toxic and irritating. But first, let's get into the fundamentals of what skincare is.

what is 'clean skincare'?

To put it simply, clean skincare products aim to create products without harmful or unsafe ingredients that can lead to damage. However, various companies are increasingly promoting their products as 'clean' when the ingredients list contains chemicals that not only irritate the skin but can also negatively impact the rest of our bodies due to constant use. 

Here I compiled years of research on the most commonly-used skincare ingredients that we should avoid, but also beneficial ingredients to look for.

everything starts
in the mind.

a collection of thoughts, tips, and experiences about keeping our mind calm and staying at peace with ourselves so we can reflect that every day.

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