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Podcasts you should listen to – my top 5 recommendations that are worth your time

whether i'm getting ready for the day, cleaning my room, or going on a walk, turning on a podcast in the background makes me feel like i'm getting more out of my day and gives me a feeling of satisfaction, despite doing mundane tasks like cleaning my room.

the thing is, it can be hard to choose a podcast that makes me feel like i'm really learning more than just listening to a conversation between people. although occasionally all i need is a laid-back podcast, most days i'm looking for something that's going to help me develop as a person and progress in life - and i'm about to share all my favorites with you, along with some of my favorite takeaways from a few that stand out to me.

  1. 'The Moments Podcast' by Lexi Hidalgo

Lexi Hidalgo as a person has been someone I've looked up to for years. when she started her podcast, it helped me grow as a person with every new episode. she shares things like TedTalks that resonate with her, journalling methods that were like a catalyst in her self-development (which i tried as well and loved), as well as experiences she's had and how she grew from them. overall i would say it's a comforting podcast to listen to if you want something chill that will still leave a positive impact in your life. i loved her most recent episode "23 habits for 2023", where she shares a range of ideas for how to develop in the new year. it's a great episode if you feel like you're in a slump, need inspiration, or are just looking for new habits to incorporate into your routine.

as an IB student myself, i'm always looking for ways to improve my note-taking methods and increase my brain's ability to comprehend and remember new information via things like nutrition, sleep, etc. and that's exactly what this podcast is. they're short and simple weekly episodes that have changed my life over time. one important thing Jim Kwik mentions (and is actually what got me intrigued since the first time i listened to his podcast) is that regardless how much you learn, it won't necessary mean anything if you don't 'apply it to your life'. genuinely acting upon the things you learn is the key to benefitting from all that information, and that sentence honestly changed the game for me in so many ways.

3. ' Huberman Lab' by Dr. Andrew D. Huberman

these are the longest podcasts i listen to, but they're worth every minute. i break them up and listen to each episode over the course of several days, such as whenever i have 20-30 minutes at a time. he covers everything from neurobiology to general human physiology and how it all connects, which is basically an umbrella for all the topics that are most interesting to me. he mentioned in a recent episode called "The Science of Creativity & How to Enhance Creative Innovation" the actual basis of what creativity is, which helped me understand how to release it and approach everything in my own unique perspective from analyzing research, to coming up with ideas for the art i do in my free time.

Tom Bilyeu covers almost every topic i can think of. he's one of the strongest, most respected interviewers i know, and it shows in his podcasts. while i don't listen to every one of them, i pick and choose the ones that are most relevant to me. one of my favorites is one that i listened to so many years ago, and still think about today. it's called "Ed Mylett on What Everyone Struggling Needs to Know Right Now". I wish I could put a time frame on my favorite segment of that episode, but i genuinely feel like the whole thing is so valuable. if i were to suggest one episode from this list that you should listen to, make it this one.

communication is frankly one of the most important yet overlooked skills we need as humans if we want to be successful. episodes from this podcast are short, helpful and taught me a lot about how to understand people and articulate my messages better. (side note - i just realized i usually listen to this while i'm baking so when i think of this podcast i literally always think of cookies). it's a great podcast and i love how it gets to the point, so if i don't have a lot of time, i can turn this on and learn something new.

the takeaway:

there's a number of ways to take advantage of extra time on your plate or double the productivity of doing things like cleaning your room as i mentioned earlier. throw on a podcast, learn something new, and apply it to your life.

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